Do You Think This Cat Looks Exactly Like Adam Driver?

If you have a major crush on Kylo Ren, Adam from Girls, or Lev from Frances Ha and want to own him in cat form, you may have missed your chance. The Monmouth County SPCA posted an image on Instagram of a cat, Corey, that looks strikingly like Adam Driver. The big ears are there, as well as the sad eyes. The only thing that’s missing is the deep expression of angst. But maybe you can imbue those in the cat through the power of projection.
After an outpouring of social media sharing, posting, and reposting, the SPCA says that Corey has found a home. One look at his owner and you know he is in good hands. But he could be in better hands. He could be in our hands. No word yet if Corey’s owner will use him to recreate this SNL sketch of Kylo Ren as an Undercover Boss or these promos of Driver in a diner. Was this America’s Funniest Cats sketch an undercover attempt by Driver to acknowledge his cat doppleganger? We will never know.

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