You Can Customize Your Facebook Emoji Reactions

If you don't feel like the new Facebook reactions really get at how you feel, there's now a way to swap those six reactions for something a bit more fun. According to Mashable, a new browser extension from Reaction Packs allows Facebook users to change the six new alternatives to just liking everything from those run-of-the-mill emoji faces to something even more expressive of your personal style. This extension, which is available for Firefox and Google Chrome, will help you trade the built-in reactions for ones featuring Pokémon, Donald Trump, or Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Yes, thanks to the great people over at Reaction Packs, you can now respond to those stories about Donald Trump with a Like, Love, Haha, Wow, Sad, or Angry Trump face. Or a Trudeau, which will probably really get on Trump's nerves. But the best part about this extension is that if you don't see one you like, you can go and make your own. That is something we can't help but like.

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