Kourtney Kardashian On Why She Doesn’t Change Her Hair

Photo: Chelsea Lauren/REX/Shutterstock.
Kourtney Kardashian's decision to team up with Manuka Doctor might have seemed random if you weren't deeply engrossed in the oldest sister's beauty habits. But I am. You see — controversial opinion coming at you — Kourtney is actually my favorite from the Kardashian-Jenner crew. Aside from the Disick drama, her chill attitude, monotone voice, and dry humor is 100% me at my core — and surface. She seems like the smartest of the bunch (and the only one to finish college), the wisest (as Kylie would tell you), and her no-fuss, all-natural approach to beauty is one that I aspire to follow, as well. Last week, I had the very rare, special, and definitely not-taken-for-granted opportunity to interview Kourtney at the lush Baccarat Hotel in New York City. (Fun fact: The event also happened to coincide with her filming Keeping Up With The Kardashians, although, my 15 seconds of fame will, sadly, have to happen at a later date.) The petite, all-black clad, thigh-high-boot-wearing Kardashian patiently answered journalists' prodding questions while also posing for pictures in the Kardashian-favorite black-and-white photo booth. Somewhere in the mix, I got time with Kourtney to discuss her latest role, what beauty lessons she hopes to pass onto her daughter, and why she's given up dairy. Read on to see what she had to say. How did the partnership with Manuka Doctor come about?
"I did a 'good for you glossary' [story] on manuka honey [on my app] and the brand that I was using was Manuka Doctor. The brand happened to be looking for an ambassador for their skin-care line, so they reached out. I love it, it's all natural, it goes with what I believe in for skin care. So, it was a really organic partnership." What was your skin-care routine like before partnering with Manuka Doctor?
"I used similar steps, but now, I do the foaming face wash in the morning. I use their toner and their Gold Dust Firming Serum and then, I put on my own sunscreen. At night, I do the same, except I don't do the sunscreen, obviously. I don't moisturize my skin at night, but I put on [the brand's] Replenishing Oil. My sister and I always put oil on our eyes, since seventh grade — just on our eyelid. That's the part of me that feels dry at nighttime, so I'll put it on my eyelid and under my eyes. I love the consistency of the oil, I love the way it smells. I [also] put that on my hands — and that's it."

Do you find a way to incorporate honey into DIY beauty treatments?

"I haven't done it yet, but my friend has a beauty blog — she's one of my best friends from high school — and she's like, 'I'm going to come over and we're going to make a lip scrub and all these different things with honey,' so we're going to do that. But we were just saying, too, it's like Santería witchcraft to put honey all over your body — you're supposed to attract a man or something. I don't want to do it for that reason, but I love using natural stuff and it sounds like a good thing to try." Did you make up the recipe for the now-famous avocado pudding?
"I didn't! My baby nurse, who's Brazilian, was eating it one day. I think it's a famous Brazilian [food] and, literally, since she made it for me, I've had it every morning. I love it. So, I can't take credit, but everybody asks me, so I was like, I have to share it on my app." Why did you give up dairy? Was there a dietary reason?
"I keep hearing that it's great for your skin to give it up and this new doctor that my kids and I have been seeing said that we all have allergies to it. I keep hearing that you're not really supposed to have dairy after you're a year old. We do have it once in a while, but [in] the last six weeks, we've had it like twice." And the kids don't miss it?
"No, I think dairy is the easiest to replace. There are so many milk and cheese options, so that hasn't been as hard. But they're gluten-free, too, and that's been really hard. Once you figure out the things that you can and can't have, it makes it much easier. I think we're finally starting to find some things that are good. I've found some bakeries that bake chocolate chip cookies — you know, different stuff — so we're not totally missing out." We saw the adorable picture of Penelope wearing extensions...what do you think about her getting into beauty? Is she as obsessed as North seems to be?
"Penelope is obsessed with beauty and fashion. She insists on picking out her clothes every morning! She also loves watching me put on my makeup and choose my outfits every day."

A photo posted by Khloé (@khloekardashian) on

What beauty lessons do you want to teach or pass down to Penelope?

"I think it is important for people to know what is in the products they are using on their skin. Since I’ve had kids, I’ve really paid attention to the ingredients listed on everything. If there are crazy chemicals or names I can’t pronounce, I won’t use the products. That’s one of the reasons I love Manuka Doctor — it’s an all-natural line that uses ingredients that are safe." A number of your sisters have their own beauty products, with the exception of yourself and Khloé. We asked Khloé if she could create her own beauty product what it would be and she said a highlighter, what would be yours?
"I’d love to create an all-natural makeup line that’s really made with healthy ingredients."

You have amazing lashes, what's your secret?
"Thank you! When I put [oil] on my eyes, it does help your lashes."

If you had to choose, what would be your biggest beauty regret?
"I forget what season it was, but there was one season I just did way too much. I had highlights, bangs, etc. I really prefer my look natural — long hair, no highlights, great skin. I think that’s when I look my best. "I had blonde hair in high school for like a month — it was not cute. I just like myself the best with dark, long hair. Whenever I look back at photos where I have bangs, I'm just not into it. And when I do too crazy of hairstyles, if I look back at old photos, I'm like, 'Ahh, keep it simple!' It's timeless and you don't get sick of it. People will comment if I wear my hair down the middle and straight. They'll be like, 'Switch it up already,' but I just like it."

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