In 1998, two young actors and best friends named Matt Damon and Ben Affleck took home the Oscar for Best Original Screenplay. The movie was Good Will Hunting. Also honored at the event was the late Robin Williams, who won Best Supporting Actor for his role as Dr. Sean Maguire in the film.
But there's a secret scene that was written into the original script that never has, nor will, see the light of day — a gay sex scene between the two male professors (Williams and Stellan Skarsgård).
The explanation behind the mysterious missing scene is the stuff of legends. Redditors recently revisited the popular Hollywood backstory. Here's how it went down.
After Damon and Affleck perfected the screenplay, the two pals shopped the script around the major Hollywood studios. They were receiving a good amount of interest and some pretty solid offers.
But then, they met with Harvey Weinstein of Miramax. According to Weinstein, as he recounted in 2015 on The Graham Norton Show, he had one note about a scene in the middle of the movie that he really needed to address. Weinstein recalled asking, "About page 60, the two leads, both straight men, have an oral sex scene. What the hell is that?" That was the $225 million question (the film's box-office revenue).
"That's the scene we wrote to see if guys like you read the script because every studio executive we went to hadn't read it," they explained to Weinstein during their meeting. "You're the only guy who brought it up, so you get the movie."
And that's the why we will never see the secret sex that was in the original screenplay of Good Will Hunting.