30+ Rosie The Riveter Costumes That Scream "We Can Do It!"

Illustration by Isabel Castillo.
There's no better time to dress up as your favorite feminist than the present. What with our current, ahem, "election" with women's rights front and center, girl power is trending. That's why we're putting Rosie the Riveter on your radar for Halloween this year. Even though Rosie was a fictional character, she represented America's working women in factories and shipyards during World War II. And while not all heroes wear capes, some of them do wear red-and-white, polka-dot bandanas.
To sum it up, that's pretty much the only thing you'll need besides a denim work shirt, making Rosie the perfect option for a last-minute costume. It's quick, cost-effective, and you'll be the wokest partygoer of them all. "We can do it!" you'll shout as you mentally prepare to drag yourself through a haunted house. Or, in true Rosie form, absolutely annihilate every pumpkin in your path. Because feminism doesn't have time for pumpkins, okay? Let's get to work.

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