THIS Is What A Kardashian Thanksgiving Feast Looks Like

Photo: Slaven Vlasic/Getty Images.
Today, in Keeping Up With the Kulinary Habits of the Kardashians, we learn what one sector of the storied reality television dynasty will be feasting on this Thanksgiving. Khloè Kardashian shared her Thanksgiving menu on her website, Khloè with K, and the feast is just as lavish as you'd expect. Khlo is flying solo this year — she will hosting a Thanksgiving in Cleveland, which, according to our observations, means the rest of the Kar-Jenner clan won't be in attendance. (Last we heard, Kylie Jenner had the weight of family Thanksgiving on her shoulders.) Based on her menu, though, whoever joins Miss Kardashian for Thanksgiving is very lucky indeed. According to Khloè, she shall dine on not just turkey, but also barbecued chicken wings. Double meat? Clearly, she knows how to do Thanksgiving. On top of the meaty double-down, she'll serve mac and cheese, creamed corn, and asparagus with garlic and cheese — all of which comes on top of the usual Thanksgiving suspects. Sweet potato soufflé will make an appearance, as well as green bean casserole, gravy, and stuffing. Here's what's most puzzling, though: Khloè Kardashian will be serving a mixed berry pie and a cheesecake for dessert. Both desserts are delicious — that we cannot dispute — but seem out of place. Where's the pecan pie? The pumpkin pie? Moreover, aren't berries kind of a summer thing? Perhaps most important, though, is this question: will Khloè be using that $10,000 golden egg cutlery set for the holiday meal? How is one supposed to eat mixed berry pie in November without gold cutlery?

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