The End Of An Era — “Grace” From Bachelor In Paradise Is No Longer

Photo: Rick Rowell /Getty Images.
Despite their matching wrist tattoos, Grant Kemp and Lace Morris have split. Ink is forever, but love is not, it seems. The couple met on Bachelor in Paradise this summer and finished the season happily engaged. Did we mention they also got matching tattoos? Yeah, that was weird. Morris told Entertainment Tonight that the two are on good terms. "It really was mutual," she said. "We both have our issues we need to work on, and we can't really give each other what we need at this time. It's just not the right timing." The 25-year-old went on to say that she specifically has some self-improvement to do. Morris, if you'll recall, left The Bachelor after deciding that she needed to clean up her act. (There may have been a few too many cocktails involved.) It was a laudable move — she left one of America's favorite shows because she wanted to work on herself. On After the Final Rose, Morris explained that she wanted to love herself before any suitors come calling. That was before Bachelor in Paradise. Enter: the Bachelor spin-off that provided not one, but three engagements last season. There, the Denver-based real estate agent met Grant Kemp, a firefighter from San Francisco, and yadda yadda yadda, matching tattoos. In her statement to ET, Morris implied that BIP interrupted her search for self-love. "I just started working on myself right before Paradise, so I really haven't had much time to do it. This was kind of an eye-opener. I still have more to work on," she said. Again, it's a commendable conviction: Do your work, Lace. And, for what it's worth, the tattoo is cute. (It spells "Grace" in loopy cursive.)

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