We Are Still Laughing At These Crazy Celebrity Rumors From 2016

Photo: Jeff Kravitz/FilmMagic.
Ridiculous rumors about stars and their personal lives have been circulating since Hollywood and the media first laid eyes on each other. Polite speculation eventually evolved into shameless tabloid gossip, which over the last 10 years has exploded into the no-holds-barred Wild West of rumor-milling — the web and social media.
These days, it appears that the editorial process for many outlets to decide whether to publish a rumor goes something like this: Is it based in fact? Nah. Is it true? Probably not. Will people click and retweet it? Yes. Sold! We're not talking about reasonable speculation. We mean the random, unfounded, where-did-you-even-get this kind of crap that sets off any pop culture aficionado's bullshit detector from a mile away.
And as you can see ahead, 2016 did not disappoint. From utterly random couples and fake infants to a certain WWE star's purported death, this year had it all.


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