Ever The Millennial, Chance The Rapper Debuts A Music Video On Facebook Live

Chance the Rapper doesn't like to play by the rules. He would rather, instead, invent his own — like being the first musician to ever have a streaming-only album be nominated for a Grammy (or seven) — and he's done it once again. The rapper just released a music video for "Same Drugs" via Facebook Live, which is not the usual route an artist takes when sharing a new video. But it's the Chance way. He describes in a video that he wanted to premiere a video live on Instagram, Twitter or Snapchat. But he was told no. And then, luckily, Facebook came through, allowing the rapper to debut the prerecorded video on his page, "Facebook dot com slash Chance The Rapper," as he tells his fans in a brief clip on Twitter.
During the livestream, which happened around 4 p.m. ET, more than 30,000 people logged on to see the rapper's video premiere. Sticking to his puppet theme, Chance performs next to a furry pink friend who voices Eryan Allen Kane's lines in the song. John Legend's silky smooth voice also makes a guest appearance towards the end of the video. The feel-good track was one of the standout hits on the 23-year-old's mixtape, Coloring Book, which is slated to make Grammy history next weekend.

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