Emma Watson’s New Movie Looks Like A Fantastic Black Mirror Episode

Although much of the world's focus has been on Emma Watson's upcoming role in Beauty and the Beast, the 26-year-old is also starring in another movie that's enthralling for a whole different reason. The Circle, set to hit theaters April 28, released its first trailer back in December, but the latest release gives us a longer look at this not-too-distant dystopian future.
Watson's character Mae joins the staff of The Circle, a technology and social media company that strives to combine every kind of online platform you can think of into one all-encompassing program. It's basically what life would be like if the whole world lived like Silicon Valley times a hundred, if all our thoughts and actions were documented and dictated by social media. It's freaky because it's not too far from the truth. However, while The Circle positions itself as the solution to things like disease and violations of human rights, this new trailer gives us a closer look at the darker side of the industry. "Do you think you behave better or worse when you are being watched?" Eamon Bailey, played by Tom Hanks, asks Mae in the trailer. This is a part of the experiment she's agreed to participate in, but it soon gets out of hand. Along with John Boyega, who plays Kalden, the duo realizes that The Circle might not be all that it seems — and that their information might not be in safe hands. "Knowing is good," Eamon Bailey says. "But knowing everything is better." We'll find out exactly what that means for Emma Watson's character come April 28. Until then, we might think twice before documenting everything on our phones.

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