Ryan Gosling’s Face Pretty Much Summed Up Last Night’s Oscars

Mistakes were made. Famous people were embarrassed. And Ryan Gosling was there to witness it all with a giant smirk on his face. We can all pretty much agree that last night's Academy Awards will go down in history as kind of a shitshow. A still-very-much-alive woman saw her photo pop up in the In Memoriam tribute. Denzel lost. And some genius handed Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway the wrong envelope. If nothing else, that last one gave us a little silver lining: the pleasure of seeing Ryan Gosling react to the fact that he had not, in fact, starred in the Best Picture of 2016. Social media is pretty much having a field day over Gosling's facial expressions when it was discovered that La La Land had been wrongly named as Best Picture instead of true winner Moonlight. The error was compounded by the La La Land cast and crew already being on stage to accept and celebrate their "win," then having to shuffle aside as the likes of Mahershala Ali and Barry Jenkins came up to claim their award. Though Gosling and costar Emma Stone appeared to graciously accept their loss by embracing Ali and other Moonlight stars, Gosling's classic "WTF" expression did not go unnoticed by the internet. We suspect he pulls this same face when one of his two daughters with Eva Mendes takes a Sharpie to Mommy's designer dress or elbows a preschool bully on the playground. It's all very "Hey girl, I'm man enough to take this mortifying moment in stride because, at the end of the day, I'm still Ryan Gosling and gold trophies are meaningless compared to my higher state of being."
Way to make the best out of a bad situation, Baby Goose. If they start giving out Oscars for that kind of thing, we'll make sure the envelope has your name inside. For real.

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