Keeping Up With The Kardashians Episode 4 Recap: "Kim's Last Ditch Effort"

Photo: Timothy White/E!.
This week's episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians is focused on the future as the family moves forward following Paris. Kim wants to grow her family and Khloé wants to grow her business empire. We also get a chance to check in on Rob just before the birth of his instant Instagrammer, baby daughter Dream.
The episode starts with a photo shoot for Khloé's new denim line, Good American. It's a bold solo venture. She teamed with a partner to develop a line of jeans that are not sized based on regular and plus sizes, but simply sizes. "This is so passionate for me because it is so empowering for women," Khloé says.
Meanwhile, Kim wants to have another baby. But didn't she have difficult deliveries with both North and Saint? Didn't we watch a doctor last season tell her that any pregnancy would automatically be a high-risk pregnancy? Yes. But Kim is determined. "After I went through what I went through in Paris the urgency is so much more," she says. She's obsessed (her word) with being at home with her kids and being a mom. Obviously, there are a lot of emotions happening all at once here, and they're not just about having another baby. She says that being at home with her kids is "safe" and she wants to know that they have siblings to support each other in case she's not around sooner than they might expect. That's heavy. She decides to have an extensive surgery to repair her uterus and see if there is any chance she could carry a baby.
Speaking of babies, Rob is in full-on nesting mode. He wants to get in touch with his Armenian roots. Kim might be thinking about siblings, but Rob is thinking about his father. He wants to make sure his daughter is in touch with the Armenian traditions that were part of Rob's childhood. He's still getting in his own way, though, because, in his words, he is insecure and not comfortable in his own skin. (See, every episode of Rob & Chyna.)
Rob wants to lose weight and get healthy for his daughter. Khloé asks him what lifestyle changes he's going to make. Kim and Kris have dietary suggestions. "Dad was super active. You're not active at all," Khloé says. Rob, as always, doesn't take the tough love well. "When my mom and sisters gang up on me it doesn't really motivate me," he says. His solution? Get up from the table and walk away. Maybe he's just getting a start on those 12,000 steps a day his mom suggested.
Good American is about to launch, and Khloé is doing press with her business partner. Her partner shares some news with Khloé that freaks her out. They have an aggressive sales target, and she's not sure they can meet it. "I'm nervous that I’m not going to make my investors and my business partner happy," Khloé says. Her anxiety is tuned to 11, and she's feeling the pressure to live up to her successful siblings. She needs to sell 150,000 units and, she frets, "Kylie sells like hundreds of thousands of units in minutes." Khloé says she left her role as the fat sister behind. She doesn't want to become the failing sister.
Kim's surgery was tough, and it was painful. Kris is concerned. "I definitely am in pain, but if the end result is that I get to carry my baby, it will all be worth it," Kim tells her mother. She explains that there is nothing that makes her happier than being with her kids. Kris is sympathetic but realistic. "You're going through an awful lot of trauma to your body and emotional stress, and I'm just not sure that it's worth it," Kris says.
Armenian food is on the menu again. This time Rob and Chyna are at Khloé's house cooking a traditional dish. Rob says that he understands that his sisters are supportive and that Khloé pushes him because she wants him to be a good dad. He's on a mission to get things straight before the baby is born. "Because I'm about to have a baby I want everyone to be on good terms with me. I can't just be selfish," he says, without any trace of irony.
Khloé turns to Kylie for some business advice. She opens up about how personal Good American is for her. She wants to be a voice for people who don't have a voice. She's not just talking jeans; she's talking about a movement. Kylie is surprised. She had no idea, or she was just too busy selling a gazillion Lip Kits. Khloé wants to know the secret. "There's really no trick, though," Kylie says. No big deal, according to her. Kylie says Khloé will be fine. It may not be the best business advice, but the sisterly support does seem to help.
At this point, the episode takes a turn. It goes from Keeping Up With The Kardashians to Keeping Up With Kim's Doctors' Appointments. The cameras are there for an examination by her gynecologist. We get a front seat in Kim's hospital room and on her couch with Jonathan for a discussion of her catheter. There's a visit to the urologist and an awful lot of talk about pee. It's a lot. Especially for a family that fell victim to oversharing in a big way.
In less intimate but not less personal news, it is launch day for Good American. The Grove mall in Los Angeles is packed, and Nordstrom has product on the shelves. Customers are excited, and more than one thank Khloé for taking some of the shame out of sizing and letting them shop in something other than a small, hidden corner in the back of the store. Khloé is over the moon. "This is what matters. I'm making people feel good about themselves again," she says. She's living the dream, or at least , dream, for right now.
Kim's surgery was not successful. Her body can't handle carrying another baby. She says she and Kanye both want another child, but the subtext here is way more about Paris that she's willing to admit. "After Paris, there's this needing feeling to bring another soul into this life," she tells Kourtney and Khloé, getting close to admitting some of her insecurities.
Khloé gets a moment in the sun, literally and figuratively, in the final scene in the episode when Kris tells Scott and Rob that the Good American launch was the second biggest launch in Nordstrom's history. "It's a testament to when you do things that you're passionate about," Khloé says. Scott, who didn't have much to do in the episode, wins the night with his idea for the family's next business venture: a jeans line for Rob called, what else, Good Armenian.

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