Join The Fandom Party With These Essential Cult Classics

Do you wish you could speak entirely in sly inside jokes? Are you longing to belong to something bigger than yourself? Are you attracted to the strange, offbeat, and outlandish? If you answered yes to these questions, then you've come to the right corner of the pop culture universe: the cult classic movie genre.
While keeping up with the endless stream of new releases is important, so is catching up on old favorites. And there are none more significant than cult classics, which spur secret societies, conspiracy theories, and Halloween costumes more readily than any other kind of movie.
So, you ask, what is a cult classic? Fear not: The term has nothing to do with Kool Aid or Charles Manson. Rather, a cult film is one that has garnered an impassioned fanbase in the years following its release. These are people who attend midnight screenings, can quote monologues by heart, and sneer at anyone who hasn't caught on to their club.
Don't be late to the party. Watch these movies, and you'll see what all the fuss is about.
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