Nope, it's not just a Lilly Pulitzer-fueled fever dream: Pink pineapples really do exist, and according to PopSugar, the candy-colored fruits are sweeter than their standard yellow counterparts.
The pineapples get their rosy hue from genetic modification. But it's totally safe, according to the FDA, which approved the fruit fit for consumption back in 2016. Big pineapple purveyors Del Monte Fresh and Dole are growing the new varieties in their Hawaiian and Jamaican plantations, so the next time you stock up on the fruits for a summer barbecue, you may find the pastel pineapples alongside their more common brethren.
"[Del Monte] submitted information to the agency to demonstrate that the pink flesh pineapple is as safe and nutritious as its conventional counterparts," the FDA said in a statement, reports NBC News.
But how do these newfangled fruits get their color?
No, it's not magic, unicorns aren't involved at all, and it's not a Pantone conspiracy.
PopSugar explains that the soft pink hue, which can be spotted inside the fruits as well as on the outside as the pineapples ripen, is due to lycopene. That's the same pigment that causes watermelons and tomatoes to have their red coloring. Not only does the lycopene lend a pleasing color to the pineapple, it makes the fruit sweeter, too.
And if you've ever had pineapple and experienced a sort of burning sensation in your mouth, keep an eye out for a pink pineapple. Scientists say that they contain less of the bromelian enzyme, the thing that causes that uncomfortable feeling.
Sweeter, pinker, and easier to eat? What's not to love?
There's no word on when these photo-ready pink pineapples will be widely available, but you can be sure that when they are, your Instagram feed will be a little rosier than usual.
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