Everything The Bonkers Bachelorette Preview Tells Us About This Season

Photo: Paul Hebert/Courtesy of ABC.
Monday night's premiere of The Bachelorette was not disappointing. We got a whole lot of dudes tripping over themselves to meet Rachel Lindsay, a fat stack of corny puns, a terrifying doll, and just a little bit of whaboom (which might be too much whaboom, actually). Following the first rose ceremony, we got an juicy extended sneak peek at the drama ahead, and it was a lot.
Aside from confirming to us yet again that Rachel is the best Bachelorette of all time, we got a glimpse at the romance, fighting, jet-setting, crying, girlfriends coming out of the woodwork, and sunset kisses to come. Here are the most major things we learned about this season of The Bachelorette from the preview. (Scroll down to watch it for yourself.)
There's going to be lots of making out. Hells yeah, girl! We saw Will, Peter, Eric, Brian, Dean, Bryan, Anthony, and Jack Stone stealing kisses on individual outings with Rachel.
We found our villain. His name is Lee, and he's the Chad of this season. He says this: "I didn't sign up to come here for this to make friends." And this: "I'm the only country boy in here, and I'm going to have problems with some of these guys in here. So, I'm gonna like throw them under the bus and fuck their chances up." And this: "You're damn right I enjoy pissing them off."
Then there's what other people have to say about Lee. Apparently he tells Rachel that Will's reasons for being there are questionable, which prompts a blowout. In another scene, Kenny tells Lee, "There's not a dude in that house that respects you. It must feel terrible that you have to lie," while someone else claims the guy is "trying to cover up something."
Someone has a girlfriend. We see a woman confront a guy she was with right up until before filming: "You still have the keys to my apartment you motherfucker. You thought you deceived every single one of these people? You were in my bed weeks before. She even shows Rachel the receipts: "You were texting me. I actually have from the messages, proof the last time he was in my house he was fucking me." Well, then.
They're headed to Europe. Switzerland, Denmark, and Sweden, to be precise. We see them helicoptering into the Swiss alps and enjoying a hot tub in Copenhagen, and one of the guys talks about being in Sweden.
There will be blood. "Someone's going to fight. Blood's gonna be shed," Adam tells Rachel. We see Kenny with a cut on his face and a swollen eye. We also see a glimpse of a fight about to break out. The guy looks like Lee, but it's difficult to tell. "Do you want a piece of me?" whoever it is screams.
Peter makes it pretty far. We see him cuddling with Rachel on a snowy mountainside, which makes us think they're in one of the European locales they visit this season, like the Swiss alps. He also talks about having "one amazing experience after the other."
So does Eric. We see Eric on multiple dates with Rachel, including one where they're on a boat, one where they're on the hood of a truck, one where they're enjoying a foreign city (that looks like Switzerland or maybe Italy), and one standard romantic dinner date.
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