Here's What Happens In The Love Actually Reunion

Moviestore Collection/REX/Shutterstock
Over the past 14 years, Love Actually has morphed from an innocuous Christmas movie into a personality litmus test. When it comes to Love Actually, most people are divided into three camps. There’s the apathetic sort, those who have never seen it and hold that as a point of pride. There’s the jaded set, who scoff at its idealized portrayals of romantic love. And there are the saps like me, for whom watching Love Actually is a yearly ritual on par with birthday cake and spring cleaning.
Well, fellow lovers of Love Actually, I have good news. The Love Actually cast reunion, which premieres today in the U.S., is an utter delight.
Here's your official spoiler alert. We'll tell you what happens to your favorite characters, 14 years on. If you’re a fan, you’re bound to smile while watching Red Nose Day Actually. And if you're the Grinch not crazy about the sentimental British film, then you certainly won't like it now.
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