Why Does It Matter If Kim Kardashian Likes Beyoncé's Photo Of The Beybies?

Photo: REX/Shutterstock.
The Beybies are here! With the photo of the twins Sir and Rumi Carter comes a little bit of Kardashian controversy: When Beyoncé first posted her Instagram of her two newest children, Kim Kardashian was among the "top likes." In fact, it looked as if Kim K. had been one of the first to like the photo, which indicates that she probably has post notifications for Beyoncé. (Honestly, in this era, who doesn't?)
Not that there's any comparison, really, but the internet loves to pit Kim Kardashian against the multi-platinum artist. The gist of their "feud" is that Kim K. wants to be best friends with Beyoncé and/or wants to be Beyoncé. People took notice of the reality star's Insta-heart and bristled.
"So you tryna be funny?" one user asked the 34-year-old on Twitter. "Don't like Beyonce's pictures. She and Jay-Z don't like you and Kanye. Get that through your head."
Another writes, "I'm still waiting for Kim kardashian to come up with her story because she's always tryna steal Beyonce's shine."
As a result, it seems, Kim Kardashian has "unliked" the photo on Instagram. Now, if you search through the likes of the photo, she is curiously absent. Did the internet bully Kim Kardashian into doing that?
Then there's also the matter of North West, Kim Kardashian's first child with Kanye West. Like it does with their mothers, the internet loves to pit North West against Beyoncé's brood. Some on Twitter have pointed out that North West's birthday is June 15, and Sir and Rumi Carter's birthday is June 14. (The Instagram caption says that the twins were born a month ago, on July 14.) This adds fuel to the feud — i.e., Kim Kardashian is irate that Beyoncé's twins' birthday will forever overshadow North's day of birth.
Feuds, especially in Hollywood, are unmistakably fun, so it's somewhat understandable that the lore of Kim K. versus Beyoncé is out there. The reality, though, is probably just that Kardashian, like most sensible people, is a big fan of Bey. She can like Beyoncé's Instagram photo — the rest of us did, right?
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