Feel-Good Movies That Will Leave You Warm & Fuzzy

Designed by Tristan Offit
Sometimes, we go to the movies to challenge ourselves. For a few hours, we're confronted with different, difficult lives. Watching hardship after hardship play out on the screen, we're compelled to feel deeply for our suffering protagonists, who remained dignified in the face of trouble. Usually these movies change our lives and win Oscars.
But we don't always have energy for a Best Picture-winning film that'll leave us feeling like hollowed-out melons. The Favourite is good, but it's also deeply bleak, and it won't leave you feeling happier about the world. So, occasionally, we need a movie to lift us up, make us laugh, and leave us feeling like the world is not actually such a grim place after all. According to the feel-good movie genre, we live in a world where Parisian waitresses can touch people's lives through quirky and anonymous acts of kindness; a world when strangers are sweet and full of happy surprises; a world where coincidence always swoops in to make life better.
When you're in need of a pick-me-up, head on over to Netflix. These totally streamable movies will reassure you of the best in humanity. Leave your cynicism at the door, and submit to the power of the feel-good movie.
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