? Im here for you & Im listening ? pic.twitter.com/2ZblYPK84R
— Jessica Chastain (@jes_chastain) September 1, 2017
'Returning violence for violence multiplies violence' I'm here for changing the world through peaceful protests, calling my reps, and VOTING pic.twitter.com/QAW1DASxZ3
— Jessica Chastain (@jes_chastain) August 29, 2017
Interesting article. If we resort to violence as a way to combat hate, we become what we are fighting. https://t.co/TsJRoWRKBZ
— Jessica Chastain (@jes_chastain) August 29, 2017
if we're gonna go with MLK jr, pic.twitter.com/xgcqeuR65b
— yavin ✨ (@yavin_iv) August 29, 2017
If the color of my skin is going to cause you to generalize, perhaps you shd look back over whether or not I've been silent to injustice
— Jessica Chastain (@jes_chastain) August 29, 2017
debating them isn't going to help. calling my reps isn't going to help me in that moment. please listen to people without your privileges
— yavin ✨ (@yavin_iv) August 29, 2017
Nonviolent protest has NOTHING to do with self defence. Please look at the last article I posted. Data shows that nonviolence works better -
— Jessica Chastain (@jes_chastain) August 29, 2017
i cannot turn the other cheek while others use their "free speech" to advocate genocide, enact violence on POC/lgbt community/etc +
— yavin ✨ (@yavin_iv) August 29, 2017
rubber bullets and fire hoses in freezing weather. violence takes many forms outside the most recognizable
— yavin ✨ (@yavin_iv) August 29, 2017