Cinnabon Is Introducing Cookie BonBites Because 2017 Isn't Over Just Yet

This Monday, December 4, is a very special day. It's set aside to celebrate and give thanks for one of the most important desserts around: the cookie. In honor of National Cookie Day, a company known for making a different type treat, is releasing an unheard of new menu item to honor the holiday. Cinnabon just announced that beginning on Monday, National Cookie Day, it will be selling what it calls "Cookie BonBites" for a limited time.
The Cookie BonBite, is made by putting a bite-sized Cinnabon cinnamon roll inside chocolate chip cookie dough, and baking the components together to create one hybrid dessert.
A photo of the treat looks like no cookie we've ever seen before, but that seems to be exactly what the company was going for. According to Cinnabon's vice president of global marketing Jill Thomas, "The delicious Cookie BonBite joins two extraordinary baked goods to create an unexpected out-of-this-world flavor combination not to be missed."
This actually isn't the first time Cinnabon has sold its signature cinnamon-y flavors in a cookie format. At the beginning of 2o17, the company teamed up with iconic cookie brand Pillsbury, and together they released Cinnamon Roll Cookie. The break-and-bake cookies featured a cinnamon dough and cream cheese-flavored chips. However, there was no chocolate present in them, so that's where the Cookie BonBites differ. Plus, each one appears to be only a little larger than the chain's mini cinnamon rolls, so that hopefully means it's possible to enjoy many over the course of the sacred food holiday.
The Cookie BonBites will be available at Cinnabon bakeries nationwide starting Monday. They will be around for a limited time after that, but only on December 4 will customers receive a free milk with each Cookie BonBite purchase. It seems even a cinnamon roll company knows you can't do National Cookie Day right without cookies and milk.
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