Meet The Popular YouTube Professor Who Recommends "Enforced Monogamy"

Photo: Carlos Osorio/Toronto Star/Getty Images.
The title of Canadian self-help guru Jordan Peterson's new book, 12 Rules For Life: An Antidote To Chaos, takes on an entirely different meaning once you understand that, to Peterson, chaos is equivalent to femininity. The world, he's essentially saying, needs an antidote to femininity.
It may sound like totally backwards thinking that no one would endorse, yet Peterson has a way of speaking in hard-to-disagree-with generalities. The clinical psychologist is wildly popular on YouTube, with more than 1.1 million subscribers who tune in to hear him speak about the "Marxist lie" of white privilege and how millennials need to drop the idea of "social justice." Through his YouTube lectures and motivational speeches, the former Harvard professor (who first caused a stir when he refused to use a transgender student's correct pronoun) has become a celebrity to (mostly) white and straight men like him.
Today, The New York Times published a profile of Peterson, in which he described how society has a man-on-top hierarchy for a (damn good) reason, among other ideas that make charitable reads of his logic hard to justify. The central, terrifying question we're left with is: If femininity is the root of chaos, how is he suggesting we fix it?
Don't take it from us, though. Ahead, we've rounded up the most nonsensical and, frankly, scary quotes from Peterson's profile. Make sure to head to The New York Times to read the whole piece for full context.

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