In 2004, filmmaker Jean-Xavier de Lestrade released the first part of his docu-series The Staircase. The episodes dive into the story of Michael Peterson, a novelist accused of murdering his wife, Kathleen Peterson, after she was found dead at the bottom of the stairs. Was it truly an accident, or was Peterson covering up a horrific crime by claiming it as such?
Today, we have more than just the original Staircase to unpack. In 2012, De Lestrade released a two-part follow-up, Staircase II: Last Chance, and in 2018, Netflix unveiled three new chapters of the chilling story.
Clearly, Peterson's story holds a great deal of fascination. But it's not just Peterson's story. The documentary also introduces us to his blended family. While many people in Peterson's family believe him to be innocent, some feel that the fact Peterson is a free man today is a grave injustice. Click through to read about the branches on Peterson's family tree.