Ben & Jerry's Created The Best Edible Cookie Dough Ever, But You Can Only Get It In One Place

Earlier this week, Ben & Jerry's announced that it is testing a new kind of product. No, it isn't ice cream, but it is something equally as sweet. The company revealed that it has started selling pouches of snackable cookie dough bites at Vermont locations of its Scoop Shops.
Shortly after the announcement of the new Cookie Dough Chunks was made, a Ben & Jerry's representative told Refinery29 in an email that if the product performs well during the test run, "B&J will look to expand the line to more Scoop Shops and potentially on e-commerce closer to the holidays." In the interest of predicting whether treat-lovers outside of Ben & Jerry's home state will ever get to taste the product, we sampled it for ourselves. And let us tell you, dear reader, after popping a few of the Cookie Dough Chunks into our mouth, we have no doubt they will be popular.
The dough that comes in the sealed packages of Cookie Dough Chunks is the same kind that can be found in Ben & Jerry's cookie dough ice cream flavors, and it turns out, they're just as enjoyable outside of the pints. Out of all the different kinds of edible cookie dough we've tried — which is a lot because edible cookie dough is one of mankind's greatest creations — this one tastes the most like the delicious raw cookie dough you'd eat right out of a tube on a glorious Friday night alone, or maybe sneak from a mixing bowl at your grandma's house.
The cookie dough has a smooth and moist texture and lacks that weird flour-y aftertaste that a lot of edible raw doughs unfortunately possess. This might be because, unlike many edible cookie dough recipes, Ben & Jerry's does include eggs. Don't worry, though, because the eggs it uses are pasteurized, which greatly reduces the risk of salmonella, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
Ben & Jerry's Cookie Dough Chunks come in two different flavors, chocolate chip and peanut butter chocolate chip, and both options are absolutely phenomenal. Because we really never thought it could get better than classic chocolate chip cookie dough, we were shocked to find that we actually enjoyed the peanut butter cookie dough a bit more. It's a little more decadent, and the peanut butter flavor is very prominent so PB-lovers will adore it.
Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Chunks
Ben & Jerry's Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Chunks
The chocolate chip dough chucks come in two sizes, while the peanut butter dough chunks are all small. One size isn't better than the other, but finding variety in the chocolate chip package was a pleasant surprise. Either way, both sizes are so poppable we actually had a hard time making ourselves stop eating them.
With all the good things we have to say about Ben & Jerry's newest tasty creation, it could mean the Cookie Dough Chunks are destined to show up online and at stores nationwide very soon. But, Vermont locals, it might all be up to you. We're begging you, please share you're own glowing reviews with Ben & Jerry's so the rest of us can get easy access to this miraculous treat.

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