UPDATE: We've got more Girls goodness with an even-fresher trailer. Double the season two, double the "I'm just trying to feel everything!" Watch. Repeat.

Same four Girls , so many zany, new problems. Okay, fine. Maybe some of the same zany, old problems, but with a better, more badass attitude. Yes, everyone's hate-to-love-it/love-to-hate-it HBO series is back with a vengeance.
In the just-released official trailer, we find Hannah warding off Adam's "murdery in a murder kind of way" broken heart, wearing a mesh tank top, peeing in public, and of course, obsessing over it all.
But, it seems (at least from the peppily-scored clip package) that Hannah's in control of her obsessions, for the time being, anyway. And the same goes for the trio of amigas that ride along with her: Shoshanna is "deflowered but not devalued," Jessa is "soo happy", and Marni, well she's still Marnie in that, "I don't even know what I want. I just wish someone would tell me, like, this is how the rest of your life should look," type of way.
And don't worry. There are plenty of the soul-searching lines that makes Girls, Girls on offer here. But we're happy for the crew and intrigued by their newfound jazz-ercizing, sleeping-with-the-gallery-owner, wearing-fascinator-hats approach to coping in NYC, and we can't wait to watch it all unfold. You either? Peep the trailer below and tell us what you can't (or can) wait to see.
Video and Photo: Courtesy of HBO