39 Girls Who Are Mad As Hell About Lilly Pulitzer For Target

Update: This story was originally posted on January 7th. Yesterday, we broke the news of Target's forthcoming collaboration with the queen of American resort wear, Lilly Pulitzer. Longtime fans get a whole new range of jazzy floral prints to shop; people who've been priced out of the brand can finally live the Lilly life; and we all know exactly what we'll be wearing on our summer vacation. Twitter exploded with joy and plans to buy matching jumpsuits for girls' nights out and beach vacays. Everybody was happy and nothing hurt!
Except, no. Not everybody was happy. Turns out, some people are real mad that their beloved brand would deign to collaborate with Target, and a small but vocal group of them took to Twitter to voice their frustration.
Confusingly, many of their objections center around Target not being "classy" and "exclusive" enough for Lilly — which is weird, because shopping for bar carts and flokati throw pillows at Target makes us feel like a boss, every single time.
We rounded up the 39 best mad-as-hell reactions to #LillyForTarget for your reading pleasure below. Personally, we don't care what Madison and Muffy say — we may not be blue bloods, but nothing's gonna keep us from that flamingo-print shift dress.
The psychic mediums:

The "But now people won't know how expensive my clothes are" crowd:

The branding experts:

The "I don't think 'classy' means what you think it means" gals:

The nominees for Most Dramatic Reaction To A Fashion Collaboration:

The "possibly never actually been to Target" crowd:

The ones who think "basic" means "not rich":

The "beware the faux-prep invasion" pearl-clutchers:

The "are they being sarcastic or..."

The "Can I get an amen?"

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