#TBT: The Best Of The Worst ’90s Beauty Trends

Ask any self-respecting millennial and they'll argue to the death that the '90s were the best decade of ALL TIME. We had Jock Jams, 3-D Doritos, Limited Too, Space Jam, the Spice Girls, All That, Beanie Babies, Lisa Frank Trapper Keepers...feeling nostalgic yet?
But, while all of these things brought us immense joy, there are other aspects of the decade we'd like to forget. By that, we mean beauty trends. We're not talking all the beauty trends — just most of them. Regardless of how much we might cringe thinking about them today, we guarantee that most of you have sported at least one of these trends back in the day. Butterfly clips? We've been there. Overly glossed lips? Done that. Even our favorite stars were '90s beauty victims at one point or another.
So, if you're missing the days of gelled baby hair and frosted lips, you're in luck because we rounded up the best (of the worst) '90s beauty trends as seen on celebrities. Scroll through for a trip down memory lane.

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