If You Think Black Friday Shopping Is Scary, You Have To See These Abandoned Mall Pics

Photographed by Seph Lawless.
Just as you're crawling your way out of Best Buy to the screams of 200 rabid shoppers, you think to yourself, There's nothing worse than Black Friday. And, in that moment, you're right. In another moment, when you're, say, being chased by a flying roach, you're wrong. But after looking at photojournalist Seph Lawless' photos of an abandoned mall in Kansas City, MO, we're not sure which one is more chilling.
After more than 40 years of Black Fridays, the Metro North Mall is weeks away from being demolished. The mall closed in April of 2014 and has been abandoned ever since. What sets it apart from other abandoned places that trend across the internet every few months is its absence of graffiti or manmade damages, rendering it virtually untouched. It features eerie lighting, broken fixtures, dead foliage, dust, and pretty much every horror movie set-design go-to that could send shivers down your spine.
Lawless specializes in preserving deserted spaces across America by photographing them, which you can see on his Instagram. But, he told the DailyMail, the Metro North mall was "by far the creepiest mall I'd ever been in." For the not-so-easily spooked, this might sound like the perfect recipe for a haunted house. But for those of us who are abreast of the state of shopping malls in America, it's a saddening reality of the way we used to shop slowly decaying. Keep reading to see Lawless' entire bone-chilling series.