Model Alexa Chung's coterie of supporters are typically #obsessed (hi, our name is Refinery29, and we're Alexa-holics), and rightly so: her near-incomparable fashion sense is tapped campaign after campaign, not to mention that it all seems totally effortless.
Off-duty and sporting a onesie, Alexa was biking around Manhattan yesterday when she had a bit of a Marilyn moment, minus the silver-screen siren part. No sugarcoating — it was a full-on, skivvies-out situation (HuffPo has the deets). Not that we blame her — when your gams go for days like Alexa's do, you will likely deal with the occasional undies exhibition. Most bottoms simply aren't up for the long-limbed challenge, so in the summertime season, Alexa was bound to get caught with the short end of the shorts, if you will. It happens to the best of us, but that isn't our concern today.
So, let's just table talk of the drawers-display for now. Giggles aside, there's truly a much bigger issue at stake in these snaps. Where's your helmet, Ms. Chung?! Think about it this way: unveiling your unmentionables is, frankly, unimportant, but biking sans safety is really the biggest wardrobe malfunction you can commit, especially since there are such great ways to go protected. Protect yourself, Alexa, we love you too much to lose you...adorable Charlotte Olympia cat-flats and all! (HuffPo)

Photos: Via HuffPo