Stupidly Easy Dinner Party Recipes For People Who Can't Cook

Photographed by Rachel Phipps
I’ve finally got to the bottom of why I don’t get invited to dinner parties.
As a food blogger, it is literally my job to spend every day creating recipes, but it has only recently been brought to my attention that most people don’t know where to start with dinner parties due to insecurities in the cooking department. No one wants to be that person on Come Dine With Me who wins at entertainment but still scores a four because of their food.
And so, to those people worrying that they're not a "good" enough cook for their foodie friends, to those people who've been putting off having a dinner party because they think their culinary skills aren't up to scratch, I'm here to help.
The following recipes are not difficult or scary, and don’t involve any special skills or time management so you'll be able to nail them easily. And even if it does all go wrong, I find a chilled bottle of good wine usually keeps everyone happy anyway.

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