Simone Garcia Johnson Makes Golden Globes History

Photo: Gray Lane.
Simone Garcia Johnson, daughter of actor and professional wrestler Dwayne Johnson, is this year's Golden Globes Ambassador. The Golden Globe Ambassador — a role formerly known as "Miss Golden Globe" — hands out statuettes to the ceremony's winners. Each year, there is a new ambassador, often the child of a well-known celebrity. Last year, it was Sylvester Stallone's three daughters, Sophia, Sistine, and Scarlet. Jamie Foxx's daughter, Corrine Foxx, served in the role in the year prior.
In a panel discussion alongside Foxx and HFPA Member Margaret Gardiner, Garcia Johnson revealed the surprising way she wants to follow her father's footsteps, which show she is rooting for to win an award, and why she will be wearing black during the award show.
What was going through your head as you were chosen to be the Golden Globes Ambassador?
Simone Garcia Johnson: "It was surreal. My parents told me on my 16th birthday. Then to find out later that I was going to be the first ever Golden Globes Ambassador. It’s really something special. I’m looking forward to this Sunday. I feel like this show is going to be particularly special with the movements and all the women coming together. It will be interesting to see where Hollywood goes after this."
Tell me about how you’ve gotten involved in the Time’s Up movement and how, if at all, you will use this roll to promote the mission of all of these equality movements.
"I will be wearing black on the day of the Golden Globes. The movement is special. One of my favorite things about it is, not only is it shedding light on sexual assault in Hollywood, but it is shedding light on sexual assault across all different work fields and pushing for equality by saying that this treatment of women is over."
As someone who has grown up in Hollywood, do you think that your first reaction was “finally!” because your Mom has told you about things to look out for when living in Hollywood?
"I think that it’s not even a matter of 'in Hollywood.' It is a matter of treatment of women throughout all workplaces. Like the movement says, the time is up and women deserve to be treated better."
You mentioned you are rooting for Alison Brie in GLOW. Did the show hit close to home when you started watching it?
"Yeah, I love wrestling, and I have so much respect for female wrestlers. To see them do that show and how well they portrayed it, I could see how hard all those women worked. Fingers crossed for that show for sure."
Do you think you’ll ever want to be in the spotlight more, like acting?
"I’m not sure, but something that comes to mind is wrestling."
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