An L.A.-Based Artist Paints Miami Red With Dorothy-Worthy Slippers

manny castro - ruby red slippers - post
It’s a bird. It’s a plane. It’s, um, a pair of ruby slippers? Yep, that’s right. Perhaps the last time you were in Miami Beach, you looked up to admire the blue sky only to have your view obscured by various pairs of sparkly stilettos hanging from power lines? And while dangling shoes are an everyday occurrence in this town, we’re talking slippers that Dorothy would have envied, scattered throughout the area.

LA Weekly
, the shoes may have led you to believe that Wicked was back in town. But in reality, this public display is the work of artist Manny Castro.

According to HuffPost Miami, the Miami native first started painting the town red on December 19, tossing shoes on “5th Street between Collins Avenue and Ocean Drive, along 17th Street between Washington and James avenues, and on residential streets from 18th to 5th streets.”
But this ain’t Castro’s first rodeo. The L.A.-based artist used these same tactics on the left coast before his solo exhibit in Echo Park. So we're going to jump to the conclusion that he's potentially planning a Miami show. Either that, or he was just bored while visiting his family for the holidays.
Let us know if you spot any!

Photo: Via Manny Castro.

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