15 Of The Best Bowls Of Soup In S.F. — Mmmmm!

[UPDATE: This story was originally published on December 24.]
It wouldn't be winter without some belly-warming eats to combat the bone-chilling winds the Bay blows our way. And before you dismiss comfort food altogether to start that New Year's diet, we suggest you try some of the heartiest pots of broth S.F. chefs are brewing up.
Skip the aluminum-can variety and hunt down our list of irresistible bowls — with the biggest spoons you can find. Whether you're into conventional iterations like American Grilled Cheese Kitchen's Smoky Tomato or more innovative stews like newly opened Lolinda's Sopa De Zapallo, these dishes will soothe more than just your soul. In fact, you'll be hard-pressed not to lick the bowls clean. So, click through, peruse the city's tastiest steamy soups, and then dig in. It's still the holidays — so calories don't count!

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