Sure, you've resolved to stop filling your home with crap you don't need. But we think you really, really need this new stuffed animal, modeled after the one and only Bay Area-based internet sensation, Boo!
Just take a look at that always-happy face, which, in the animal form, has collected over 2.6 million devoted Facebook fans, plus a Chronicle Books tome dubbed
Boo: The Life Of The World's Cutest Dog.
The world's cutest dog, did ya hear that? And he lives in our own backyard. And now he can be yours for a mere $20. Stuffed animal-making company Gund has just announced that they're accepting pre-orders on this 8" plush toy starting today, January 3.
Fanatics should note that these pre-orders will be accepted for a limited time only and the first shipments will be heading out March 10. Oh, and for the uber-fanatics, note that there is a limit of six stuffed Boos per household. So, make friends with your neighbors now and let them know you'll be monitoring their mail around mid-March.
Until then, take a flip through these pictures, and prepare to ooooohhhh and ahhhhhh with the masses.
Photo: Via Gund