You drooled, we delivered. After receiving a standing ovation from you readers for our NYC dating story, Elliot Aronow, founder and creative director of RCRD LBL, host of Our Show, master tweeter at @youngelz, and all-around guy-in-the-know is back on Refinery29. Read on.
One thing I often hear from my lady friends is that their man shows them a good time, listens to them, knows how to be Mr. Lover-Lover, and is, in general, totally worth holding onto. He's handsome, reliable — a solid guy. But there's just this one thing that they wish he was better about: dressing.
They wish he would lose the hoodie and tight jeans and trade in those scrubby sneakers for something a little more put-together. Nothing too extreme, just a well-intentioned upgrade. It's like he's been cooking you spaghetti all this time, and now, you want a risotto. Feel me?
You need to educate him and present him with clear options. Steer him in the right direction with a gentle-yet-strong hand. You've got it! Here's how to help your dude step his game up without making him feel like an extra trapped on the set of Designing Women.
**Note to new lovers: While my methods are sound, you definitely don't want to begin this mission until after you have reached some milestones in your relationship (at least a few out-of-town trips, scandalous photo exchanges, etc) so tread lightly and good luck!