Just What We Didn’t Need: A Laser That Turns Brown Eyes Blue

Consider this the final frontier of useless, disgusting, self-esteem crushing beauty treatments: A California man has invented a laser that can turn brown eyes blue. The experimental beam, developed by Gregg Homer, uses light to remove brown pigment from the eyes, resulting in a blue color. The procedure takes 20 seconds, is irreversible, and, thank god, is only in the experimental phase right now.
The genius reasoning behind Homer's invention? “People like the depth of a light eye. Eyes are the windows to the soul, and a light eye is like an open window,” he says. Sure. Because it's a great, totally inoffensive idea to send girls the message that brown eyes are inferior to blue, and need to be changed. Now where have we heard that before? (NY Daily News)

Photo: Courtesy of Maria Valentino/MCV Photo


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