On the new campaign:
"[Director] Frank Miller was great, and the concept
for the commercial was great. A lot of these campaigns you see these people kind
of just running around in the woods splashing water on themselves — this actually felt like a film. I met with Frank and we talked about character and backstory. The worst would have been showing up on the day and been like, 'Man, I’m just a prop; I’m just a model.' But this actually felt like it played on the stuff I’m trained in."
On co-star Evan Rachel Wood:
"She’s a very cool girl. She’s just such a smart, talented, professional actress. I don’t want to overstep my boundaries, but I think if you want quality, class, and cache, then Evan Rachel Wood is your girl. She’s a child (I can say that because I’m 30). When I was 22, I was picking my nose — I mean, I don’t know what
I was doing. She’s just something else."
On what he thinks makes a woman attractive:
"I like a good smile; women who laugh, and don’t take themselves too seriously. When I meet someone and walk away, and they stay with me, it’s probably because of their smile or their laugh."
On the three things he thinks every man should have in his closet:
"A good belt; I’m a big fan of belts. I think a white T-shirt is a good basic thing to have. It can complement [your outfit], but also, a white T-shirt alone is pretty classy. It’s pretty pedestrian, but also important: a good pair of jeans."
On men wearing jeggings:
"Like leggings? They have some stretch to them? I wore a pair of jeans not too long
ago that had a little bit of stretch to them and it was great! Well, you know there’s a difference between what I think looks good and what feels good. If I had it my way, I’d be in sweat pants!"
On male celebrities (Justin Bieber, Jesse McCartney, etc.) designing women's fragrances:
"Is that what they’re doing now!? I only know one of those people you mentioned. I’m
30! To be honest, the best way to get information about the opposite sex is from the opposite sex. If I want to know something about women, I’m not going to ask a man."
On his guilty pleasure:
"I’ll tell you my guilty pleasure, but it’s going to insult my intelligence. It’s a little lowbrow, to be honest. I really like America’s Funniest Home Videos. There’s something about a little kid falling down that kills me! You put a little kid in winter gear and let a German Shepherd go sprinting around, it’s just a matter of time before that collision is perfect."
On the last time he felt really guilty:
"I’m Irish-Catholic — I’m always feeling guilty! Probably the first time I saw Playboy, in third grade. I told my mother! I was at my friend Tom’s house and when I came home I was silent the whole car ride. And when I got home I said, 'Mom, I have something to tell you. I looked at a naked lady today.' I felt horrible about it! She didn’t even care, though. But I wasn’t allowed back to Tom’s house."
Photo: Courtesy of Gucci