So, one night, I went for a Hail Mary and slapped on a sheet mask (you know, the cotton ones with cut-outs for your eyes, nose, and mouth) as I watched an episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine on Hulu. Fifteen minutes later, I peeled it off, finished laughing at Gina making fun of Boyle, and fell asleep. It wasn't until I was inspecting my face the next morning that I realized my skin looked kinda radiant, felt more hydrated, and most importantly, was free of dry, dime-sized patches. As in, gone.
Sheet masks are popular buys in Asia, and I've used them here and there ever since I bought a stash of 20 in Tokyo a few months ago, but I never really turned it into a routine. Until I saw the effects they had on my winter-ravaged face, that is. Good thing I bought them in bulk!
Unless you're a serious jet-setter or have a best friend in Japan or South Korea willing to ship you a Costco-sized box of masks, you can find them online at
Soko Glam, or my personal favorite, Kollection K. The Face Shop in midtown Manhattan has a great stash of masks starting at $2, too. Seeing as how we're still getting punished by Mother Nature's wrath (who's ready for another bout of snow this weekend?), it looks like I'll be buying another round of masks very soon.
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