At 17 years old, we were getting into fender-benders and holding hands in the hallway. But at the same young age, Dakota Fanning is on the cover of Cosmopolitan featuring sultry eye makeup, a sexy dress, and sassy wind-blown hair photos — and surrounded by naughty coverlines. It's not like she doesn't look great — she really does — it's just that 1) isn't it a little inappro to put (nearly) NC-17 comments next to a 17-year-old? and 2) we're not about to take sex advice from a 17-year-old (sorry, kiddo). The weirdest part? In the inside portfolio, a photo of Fanning in bunny ears features the caption, "Two years ago this would have been cute. Now it's hot." We're going to have to agree to disagree on that one. How about you? (NY Mag)

Photo: Via NY Mag