Your October Horoscope Is Here, & There Are Some Very Lucky Days Ahead

Illustration by Stefhany Lozano.
The month ahead is ghoulish — filled with thrills, chills, and ghosts, due to the six planets that are in retrograde in the beginning of the month: Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. October 6 brings the Libra new moon, which commences the day Pluto stations direct again in Capricorn, after a retrograde that began on April 27. We can expect heightened emotions, due to the intense energy.
The Planet of Love, Venus, enters fiery Sagittarius on October 7, allowing us to take risks when it comes to relationships. The caveat is that Venus will align with the South Node of Destiny in Sagittarius on October 9, and square off with Neptune retrograde in Pisces on October 26, making us feel stuck and unsure of how to proceed when it comes to matters of the heart. Romances may be put on ice or we may become lovesick over exes (after all, Mercury retrograde is in full swing).
October 9 will offer some clarity, however, just on business matters and contracts and not affairs of the heart and financial investments, as the Libra Sun and Mercury retrograde align on that day. October 10 ends Saturn’s retrograde journey, which began on May 23 in Aquarius. Its direct motion will allow us to evaluate our commitments. October 18 ceases both Mercury’s planetary backspin (which began on September 27) and Jupiter’s moonwalk (which started on June 20). October 20’s full moon on Aries brings necessary changes to the end of Libra season. The Sun enters Scorpio on October 23, beginning a deep transformational solar shift. Action planet Mars swims into Scorpio on October 30, adding stamina and strength to our lives, vibes, and energy levels — the perfect energy for Halloween. Happy haunting!

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