Your Horoscope This Week: 27th February to 5th March, 2022

As we prepare to leave February, the moon in Capricorn and Aquarius awakens our awareness of time. Things are changing and we realise that our actions must also adapt to the current rapid pace of time — regardless of if we feel ready or not. The first days of March are jam-packed with astrological activity as we welcome a powerful lunation, a triple conjunction, two planetary shifts, and what some astrologers call the most fortunate day of the year. 
Arriving on 2nd March is the new moon in Pisces, one of the most eagerly awaited new moons of the entire year. At this lunation, the luminaries are activating the Jupiter-Uranus sextile, a rare aspect that will not happen again until 2026! We not only feel supported, we feel like the universe is pushing us forward to act in alignment with all our weirdnesses and kinks. It’s time to expand — but we can only do so in full authenticity, with the reminder that this year’s astrology is all about embracing our inner weirdo. 
This lunation also precedes what is known as the luckiest day of the year, which arrives on 5th March as the Sun meets Jupiter, the biggest planet in our solar system. Regardless of what we are trying to manifest this year, Jupiter can certainly deliver, as it is currently strongly placed in Pisces, its traditional home sign. This is a week to be bold and take risks, with the awareness that over-expansion is the only potential downside. 
With Venus and Mars, the cosmic forces of raw creation sitting next to no-nonsense Pluto all week, we are bound to feel ambitious. Under this triple energetic fusion, we crave power but must be careful with the way we go about it. A surge of raw sexual and creative energy is bound to take over us — a powerful influence that can help us make quantum leaps when channelled properly and positively.
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