Your Horoscope This Week: April 23 to 29, 2023

We are now in the midst of an eclipse passage. This symbolises the week that separates a series of two eclipses — one solar and one lunar. Last week, on April 20, we experienced a solar eclipse in the final degrees of Aries. Next week, on May 5, we’ll experience the lunar eclipse full moon in Scorpio. These are intense, dramatic, and passionate times.
Both Aries and Scorpio are signs ruled by the planet Mars, which means Mars-like energy is coursing through the cosmos and influencing all signs of the zodiac this week (and especially those with Aries and Scorpio placements in the birth charts). No wonder Scorpio Frank Ocean’s been stirring up a media storm through his enigmatic performance choices at Coachella.
Staying hydrated, well-rested, and focused on tying up loose ends is the name of the game this final week of April. Venus, the planet of love, remains in Gemini until May 7, making it an ideal time to get in touch with our dualities and ever-changing natures. And Venus in Gemini’s transit wants us to remember to laugh, cosmic friends. It may be eclipse and retrograde season, but there’s no need to take ourselves too seriously.
Be sure to read your horoscopes for your Sun and Rising signs for the most in-depth forecast.
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