Your Horoscope This Week: May 7 to 13, 2023

Cosmic beings, we’re only one week away from the end of Mercury’s retrograde through the fixed sign of Taurus. Last Friday’s Scorpio lunar eclipse energy is still permeating through the cosmos, but the most intense part is now behind us. 
This week, you’ll be looking at the world from a fresh perspective. Chances are, you faced your deepest shadows during eclipse season, and now you’re ready to turn over a leaf and welcome a new beginning. Since we’re still in retrograde season there’s no need to rush — instead, use these next two weeks of Taurus season to simplify and strategize. 
Jupiter, the planet of abundance, spends its last full week in the bold Fire sign of Aries, and all zodiac signs are likely to feel more driven as a result. This is an ideal week to shoot our shots when it comes to applying for positions or programs that have been on our minds for a while. The combination of Venus’ presence in Cancer and Jupiter in Aries will help us prioritise the bliss of our inner children. As we make our inner children happy, the world vibrates at a higher frequency.
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