Your Spooky Halloween Tarot Reading Is Here

Photographed by Megan Madden.
Halloween is my favourite holiday. I mean, I am a witch, so isn’t that a given? Working as a professional witch and celebrity psychic medium, I’m always busy consulting the spirits and offering guidance to my clients, but October is one of my busiest months — who doesn’t want a real witch at their Halloween parties and events? It’s also the time of year when the veil between worlds is thin and communication from beyond is highly visible. We’re all curious about our future, and it’s a lovely time to explore the other realm when the supernatural is so visible.
I use tarot cards to divine messages around literally everything, so it feels quite natural to tap into the collective energy of Refinery29 readers and reveal messages for us all this Halloween season. Whether you are struggling to figure out your plans or your costume or even what treats to get, the cards — and I — have the answers you are seeking.
Read on to see what this Halloween has in store for you.
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