The Secret To Getting Perfectly Even Skin

Photography by Rochelle Brock.
Without a doubt, exfoliation is a vital part of keeping skin healthy, clear, smooth and glowing. While physical exfoliation — facial scrubs, facial brushes, or anything that you manually roll across the skin — are beneficial, the introduction of acids, particularly exfoliating acids Alpha Hydroxy Acids and Beta Hydroxy Acids, has been one of the biggest advancements in skincare to date. Because of the smoother texture that results from AHAs and BHAs, they're continually used in many products that improve multiple skin conditions like brown spots, acne scars, large pores, fine lines, and wrinkles.
So, how can you be sure you're using the right exfoliating acid for your skin, especially if you're sensitive? Although exfoliation can result in tremendous improvement of the skin, it's important to use them in a safe way to avoid over-exfoliation and unnecessary irritation. Click through for my helpful tips to ensure you’re getting the best results from exfoliating acids.

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