Money Diaries

A Week In Randwick, Sydney, As A Law Graduate On $95,000

Welcome to Money Diaries, where we tackle the ever-present taboo that is money. We ask real people how they spend their hard-earned money during a seven-day period — and we track every last dollar.

Anyone can write a Money Diary! Want to see yours here? Here's how.
Today: a law graduate who makes $95,000 a year and spends some of her money this week on an Hourglass mascara.
Occupation: Law Graduate
Industry: Law
Age: 25
Location: Randwick, Sydney
Salary: $95,000
Net Worth: -$2,170 ($11,847 in superannuation, $12,283 in investments and $20,000 in savings. My savings includes money I'm putting aside for a house deposit.)
Debt: $46,300 in HECS debt. I initially made additional contributions to pay this off at a faster rate, but then did the math and figured out that it's better to just continue to have the payments taken out of my salary.
Paycheque Amount (Monthly): $5,089.41
Pronouns: She/Her

Monthly Expenses

Rent: $1,680. I live with two housemates in a flat. We share two bathrooms.
Loans: Only my HECS. I have a credit card on which I put my expenses, then I pay it off in full at the end of the month. I don't have a car and just take public transport or Uber (if I'm feeling lazy). Otherwise, if I'm lucky, I'll catch a lift from mates.
Classpass Membership: $95
Netflix: $7.60 (split amongst mates)
Spotify: $6.30 (split amongst mates)
Health Insurance: $133
Internet: $35
Utilities: $80
Phone: $23
Savings Contributions: A minimum of $500 a month. I sweep the money that I don't spend into savings at the end of the month.

Did you participate in any form of higher education? If yes, how did you pay for it?

Yes. I did a Bachelor of Science/Law degree which I put on HECS. The science degree was just an add-on as a standalone law degree was not offered at the university I went to. I made a lot of friends in the science degree, so no complaints there.

Growing up, what kind of conversations did you have about money? Did your parent/guardian(s) educate you about finances?

My parents always instilled the value of money into me and my brother from a young age. They made sure not to waste food, always shopped around for specials, didn't spend lavishly, and reminded us to save for a rainy day. This impacts me today as I aim to save what I can, always look around for a discount code or offer when shopping for items online, and make sure I check a few sites to make sure an item isn't offered at a lower price elsewhere. Having said that, my parents always gave gifts for birthdays and Christmas and always put my brother and me first.

What was your first job and why did you get it?

My first job was when I was 18. I was a Christmas casual at Kmart right after I finished Year 12 exams. It was the best time as they hired a big group of us and it didn't feel like work.

Did you worry about money growing up?

My parents didn't want me to work during high school and would give me pocket money which I saved for anything I wanted — mostly junk food at the food court. Luckily, I didn't have to worry about money growing up and knew that my parents were always there as a safety net. They showed me that money should be saved for any rainy days or emergencies.

Do you worry about money now?

A little bit — while I know my parents are there if anything were to happen, I don't want to rely on that and want to make my own way. I was fortunate to get a job that I wanted straight out of university and can afford the things that I want. However, I want to start saving for a house deposit which is daunting given the property market in Sydney. I put my financials in a borrowing capacity calculator last month and it looks like it's going to be a while before I will be able to afford to buy.

At what age did you become financially responsible for yourself and do you have a financial safety net?

Around 22. I moved out of home during uni with the help of Centrelink. When I first moved out, I lived in a really bare-bones way — like, milk crates as chairs in the living/dining room. I know my parents are there if my finances go south but I really, really don't want to lean on them if I can afford not to.

Do you or have you ever received passive or inherited income? If yes, please explain.

No — I haven't spoken to my parents about any inheritance, nor do I expect any. They supported my brother and me to where we are now (uni degrees and jobs) and I don't expect anything more.

Day 1

7:00am — I wake up and indulge in my bad habit — a morning scroll through social media. I hop in the shower to wake myself up and think about what to wear to work. There are no client meetings today, so I decide on something more casual. I also pack my gym clothes.
7:30am — I walk to the light rail with my flatmates. It's the most convenient way to get to work. I could get the bus, but then I'd have to walk further to the station. I tap on using my Opal card ($3.83) which links to my credit card. I know you can just tap on with a credit card, but the individual charges on my credit card annoy me. $3.83
8:09am — I drop my bags at my desk, connect my laptop to the screens and then head up to the office cafe for a subsidised coffee (double flat white with almond milk — $2.50) and toast (wholemeal bread with peanut butter — $1.50). The wait is never long since the cafe is only for staff and I get to chat with my colleagues while the barista works her magic. $4
8:30am — Back at my desk, I start looking at the emails that have landed over the weekend and map out my day. Then I properly start work.
12:00pm — I have a training session on ethics which also means catering for those who attend in person. I go to the training room, hear about the recent ethics cases and munch on an assortment of chicken wraps (free!).
1:00pm — Head back to my desk with half a muffin from the training session which I will save for afternoon tea. I go back to preparing a chronology that will feed into a witness statement.
3:30pm — It's that time of the day when you have to dash to the cafes near the building for a coffee before they all close for the day. If I'm too late, my only other option is tea from the kitchenette, but I feel like a barista-made coffee with my muffin. We head to my favourite cafe and I get a skim flat white ($4.30). I don't have a go-to milk, so I like to mix it up. $4.30
5:10pm — I have a ClassPass membership and book into a Barry's Bootcamp, costing 13 ClassPass credits which have been prepaid for. I don't like to book that far in advance in case any meetings come up and I have to skip and cop the cancellation fee. Luckily, the horizon looks clear so I book in and get changed.
5:25pm — I walk to Barry's and proceed to get incredibly puffed from the session. It's a good workout, but there's always a part of the class where I query why I booked in.
6:33pm — I survive the class and head to the light rail to head home ($3.83). I'm a big sweaty mess. $3.83
7:07pm — I get home and hop into the shower. My housemates are out for dinner, so I heat up some meal prep I made yesterday for the week (a big bowl of spag bol) and watch an episode of Heartbreak High.
8:00pm — I scroll on my phone and listen to a podcast as I do laundry.
9:45pm — Brush my teeth, then off to bed. Barry's has taken all the energy out of me and I'm out like a light.
Daily Total: $15.96

Day 2

7:13am — I press snooze but quickly remember that I have to take my laundry off the line. Someone in the building has complained that the drying lines are always occupied, so I try to be a good neighbour. Then it's the usual routine — wake up, shower, get dressed and off to the light rail ($3.83). It's a public holiday on Thursday and I work from home on Fridays, so there's only one more day of waking up and commuting to the office after today. $3.83
8:05am — I head to the office cafe for the usual coffee and toast ($4). My work wife, J., is in today, so we sit down and catch up about the weekend. We both want to go on an overseas trip at the end of the year (my first since Covid). It'll have to be during the compulsory holiday period (don't get me started on this policy... ugh). $4
10:30am — I get a coffee with my mentor. We chat about what matters I'm working on at the moment and she signs some documents as I'm going to be admitted to the NSWSC at the end of the year. It's been a year of balancing the study requirements for qualification as a lawyer in addition to working, so I'm looking forward to the end of this.
12:35pm — Lunchtime. A lot of people in my team go to lunch at 1pm, but my stomach is grumbling so much that I can no longer ignore it. I go with J. to get sushi and miso soup ($13.90). The prices have definitely gone up because of the ~supply chain~. $13.90
3:20pm — The arvo sugar craving hits. I keep muesli bars at my desk for this reason and go for a choc chip one ($0 because I bulk buy them with groceries at the end of the week).
5:58pm — I say goodbye to my team and head out the door. While I'm not qualified as a lawyer, there's a policy at work that we have to leave before 6pm in order to comply with the Legal Services Award. Grads who work late need senior or HR approval. This policy won't go on for much longer as we will all be admitted soon, so I run out the door while it lasts.
6:00pm — I walk to meet my cousin for dinner at a ramen joint. She just got back from New Zealand so I hear all about her road trip. I get a chicken katsu ramen with gyoza — $27.50.
7:47pm — Back on the light rail home ($3.83). I have to finish one more episode of Heartbreak High in order to catch up to my housemates. $3.83
Daily Total: $53.06

Day 3

7:00am — It's my last day in the office for the week! I go for a walk around my area as the mornings aren't that cold now and spring is definitely in the air. There are so many people walking their dogs. I would love to get a dog but I live in an apartment so the options are slim these days. I head back home and get ready for work. 
7:30am — Light rail to work with the housemates ($3.83). You know the routine. $3.83
8:30am — I need to hop onto a conference call with a client, so I skip my usual coffee and toast so I can spend some time preparing for the meeting. It's a productive call, but the last five minutes are a big test as I can feel the caffeine headache approaching...
9:17am — J. offers to pick me up some toast and coffee, but I know she's got a packed day so I decline. I quickly run to the cafe and get my caffeine fix, plus toast ($4). Thank goodness. $4
11:36am — My high school friend group chat is going off with our plans for the long weekend. They want to organise a last-minute Airbnb and I just tell them that I'm good for whatever they pick. It's a busy day at work, so I can't be much help. T. messages to ask for $275 for the accommodation — the house looks really nice, so I Beem her the money. $275
12:45pm — I grab lunch from the work cafe — a caesar salad with extra chicken and a Coke Zero ($8.37). It's subsidised by work which makes me feel less guilty about buying lunch most days of the week. $8.37
2:17pm — I get a notification that an Assembly jumper I want from The Iconic is back in stock and on sale! I add to cart and buy it instantly ($63) — I've had my eye on it since I spilled red wine over my old one. $63
6:03pm — I wait for my housemate, M., to finish work and we head home on the light rail ($3.83) to the 'ole faithful spag bol. $3.83
7:43pm — M. complains about having to do her tax return which reminds me to do mine. Most of the cells are populated at this point since I've left it later than usual. The system estimates that I'll get a refund of $836 but also states that it will take about two weeks to be processed. I make a mental note to transfer it to savings when it lands.
8:30pm — With a wine in hand, M. and I watch Heartbreak High as I'm up to date. I love the costuming on this show. We binge the episodes and head to bed at around 11pm. I also book a Pilates class through ClassPass (nine credits) for tomorrow as it's a public holiday.
Daily Total: $110.03

Day 4

10:00am — I sleep in and head to my local for a double flat white ($4.60). I walk back and make myself some toast while listening to Shameless — I love that podcast. $4.60
10:43am — I walk to Pilates and get there early. The instructor is surprised to see me early as I'm usually the one walking in late and very apologetically. I like Pilates as it helps me with my posture and makes me feel less guilty for sitting down all the time at work.
12:14pm — Back home and warm up the spag bol. I'm sick of it at this point but don't want to waste it. After eating, I make a tea and read. I'm reading Atomic Habits at the moment, which J. recommended to me. 
2:00pm — Nap time. It feels luxurious to do this during the week. Oops.
4:13pm — M. wants to go to the pub with our friends in the area. It's lasagne night there so I also get a cider to accompany my dinner ($33.70) and we chat for the rest of the night. $33.70
10:17pm — It's a school night since we have work tomorrow, so we call it early. I swipe my face with a micellar wipe and call it a day with my skincare routine. Zoë Foster Blake, don't @ me okay? Everyone needs a day off. Probably also not great for my Atomic Habits... oops. Off to bed.
Daily Total: $38.30

Day 5

8:30am — TGIF! To celebrate, I sleep in (for a weekday!). Roll into a jumper, make a tea and walk to my desk for my WFH day. After scrolling through emails, I go to the kitchen to make crumpets with Vegemite and do my favourite thing at work — typing and munching on food.
9:10am — I get a call from a colleague. We're filing submissions this afternoon, so I proofread the documents and make sure everything is in order. I eat an apple at my desk while I work.
12:30pm — I call and book a remedial massage for this Sunday. The health fund I'm with gives a decent rebate for remedial massages, so I try to book one in every few months. I usually get them to focus on my shoulders which tend to tense when I'm focusing at work. There's a meeting at 1pm, so I make a quick lunch and have a scroll before sitting back down and powering through as I can almost taste the weekend.
2:00pm — Mecca's Beauty Loop boxes are back. I use this as a sign to order another Hourglass mascara ($44). Mascara is the one thing that I can't go without, plus the tubing formula means that it is less prone to smudging. I also love the subtle scent. The dopamine hits when I get the 'order received' email. I'm excited to see what's in the Level 2 Beauty Loop box! $44
5:30pm — Work is done and M. and I are out the door. We Uber ($11.60 for my half) to Chaco Ramen in Darlinghurst for dinner. It's walk-ins only, so you always have to get there early. It's getting warmer so this is one of the last times we'll get ramen this year. We get a table straight away. I get the yuzu scallop ramen ($20) with edamame ($8). I love that Friday afternoon feeling when you have the whole weekend ahead of you. We're meeting some friends at The Clock after, so we walk there after we finish. $39.60
7:15pm — We get to The Clock and it's busy. We finally get a table and our friends arrive. I get a round of G&Ts ($53.50) — we take turns. We're all friends from uni and it's hard to get a time when everyone is free to hang out, so we always make the most of it. I also get two bowls of chips for the table ($20.30). $73.80
11:30pm — M. and I split an Uber back to ours ($16.75 for my half). I get ready for bed, scroll for a bit then pass out. $16.75
Daily Total: $174.15

Day 6

10:00am — Sleep in because it's the weekend. I make it an admin morning and get a coffee ($4.10) on the way to get groceries for the week while the laundry is in the machine. I get ingredients for meal prep (this time its chicken with couscous and cauliflower), plus snacks, yoghurt, muesli, fruit and top-up the kitchen/bathroom staples ($167). Get back home, unpack, hang up the laundry and vacuum. $171.10
12:45pm — I have yoghurt with muesli at home. It's quick and easy. I know it's not technically lunch food, but I only woke up at 10am!
1:00pm — I get to Pilates (nine ClassPass credits) just before the instructor closes the door. This is my Saturday morning routine and it helps me reset after the week. I shower when I get home and get ready to go to a pottery class. My uni friends got me a voucher last month for my birthday and I'm excited to go.
5:00pm — The pottery class is so. much. fun. It's incredibly cathartic and the instructor is so calm and serene — if she said she was also a yoga instructor, I wouldn't be surprised. Overall, a very therapeutic experience.
6:00pm — I'm having dinner with my parents tonight at their place. I go to the bottle shop and pick up a bottle of white wine ($22.70). My brother picks me up so I get a free lift (win!). $22.70
9:30pm — Back home, thanks to a lift from my brother. I have a relaxed night in and when my housemates get home, we watch more Heartbreak High.
Daily Total: $193.80

Day 7

10:00am — Please don't ask me what the weekends are like before 10am — I wouldn't be able to tell you! I get a coffee ($4.60), grab my book and go for a walk. $4.60
1:00pm — Lunch is leftovers from dinner with my parents last night. Everyone is out of the apartment, so I just read on the couch.
2:00pm — Remedial massage time. I ask her to focus on my shoulders. It comes to $53 as my health insurance covers the rest. I walk home. $53
4:00pm — Time to meal prep. I put on some jazz music to get into the mood and start setting it up. T. is also meal prepping, so the whole process takes a little longer. I also make a start on dinner — roast veggies with salmon.
7:00pm — Time for dinner. M. sets the table and I put everything in the middle of the table. We take turns making Sunday dinner and whoever cooks covers the groceries. T. opens a bottle of white she got as a gift from work.
8:50pm — Look at some emails so I know what to expect tomorrow when I go to work. 
9:00pm — Time to wind down. I put on a face mask, put on some Gossip Girl and eat ice cream out of the tub.
10:30pm — I get ready for bed and have another scroll (bad habit, I know). It's been a quiet weekend, but I'm going away for the long weekend next week so I'm happy with the balance.
Daily Total: $57.60
Money Diaries are meant to reflect an individual's experience and do not necessarily reflect Refinery29's point of view. Refinery29 in no way encourages illegal activity or harmful behaviour.
For many of us, money can be a major source of stress. But it doesn’t have to be. Become more confident with our beginner's guide to managing your money.

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