9 Women On The One Person They Talk To About Money

Daphne Thao Nguyen/Refinery29 Australia for Getty Images
If you're an avid Money Diaries reader, you'll know how they offer a candid, behind-the-scenes look at people’s financial lives. They not only demystify the daily realities of budgeting, saving and spending, but also break down the taboo surrounding money talk.
So we wanted to know: Who is your go-to person for money matters? Friends, parents, partners, coworkers? Talking about personal finance is personal — but hopefully everyone has someone they can talk to, since these conversations go beyond the numbers, delving into the emotional and psychological aspects of our decision-making around money.
Ahead, we rounded up what we learned from people about why they're open about their financial wins and losses — or why they aren't.
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