14 Unconventional Ways to Make Missionary Sex Unforgettable
Last Updated 28 July 2023, 6:31 am
Imagine that a friend or love interest asks for your favourite sex position. The pressure is on; do you say doggy style, cowgirl, 69ing? You couldn’t possibly answer missionary position unless you want to cue the side eyes and the crickets.
So how did a literal sex position end up with such an unsexy reputation? Perhaps it starts with the name. The term originates from travelling European Christian missionaries in the 1800s. (Hot!) Not only were they spreading the good word, but more relevant to this story, the “proper” way to bone: a face-to-face position with a man on top and a woman on her back. Other variations of the name are just as unsexy — how about the “Mama & Papa position”, the “matrimonial position” or the “man on top” position? Didn't think so.
Clearly, we all agree that ol’ mish posish is in desperate need of a rebrand and a very effective PR team (perhaps whoever worked on the Barbie Movie?) as Christian missionaries and literally any of the aforementioned terms are not what you want to associate with getting down and dirty in the year 2023.
But just because its name leaves a lot to be desired, it doesn’t mean the act has to. There are so many amazing things about missionary sex, it's no wonder that we tend to default to it. The romantic eye contact, the ability to whisper in your partner's ear, the mid-bone make out sesh, no flexibility prerequisites(!). The missionaries were definitely onto something.
But let’s bring this truly tried-and-tested sex position into the modern day with some sexy advancements, so can you love the missionary position loud and proud.
Here are 14 tips on how to spice up the missionary position.
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