23 Summer Outfits To Beat The Heat

Photo: Edward Berthelot/Getty Images.
It might be winter in Australia, but our minds our minds are on warmer weather ahead. As we endure the current chill, we're already daydreaming about sweltering heat, carefree nights out, and beach vacations.
Figuring out what to wear in a new season — and one that can often leave you feeling sweaty and sticky — is no easy feat, but it’s a task we’re up for. Luckily, it’s also a challenge that the people who fill our Instagram feeds aren’t shying away from, and they’ve been styling warm-weather-ready outfits full of summer's latest trends for weeks now.
From timeless summer dresses to mesh footwear and the revival of bygone styles like jorts and capri pants, there’s plenty of fashion inspo to be found. Scroll on to discover 23 outfits to get you through this summer.
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