Your Horoscope This Week: 7th August to 13th August, 2022

The week ahead is challenging, intense, and transformative. The good news is that it’s bringing healing our way, which we all need to help us move forward in the best direction. Venus in Cancer and Neptune in Pisces share a tender connection on 7th August, making us run towards our lofty romantic dreams. The caveat to this sweet alliance is the square that forms between Mars in Taurus and Saturn retrograde in Aquarius later in the day, pushing us to dominate others. Venus and Pluto retrograde in Capricorn oppose each other on 9th August, bringing power struggles to relationships. The Leo sun and the Nodes of Destiny ask us to make fated choices on 10th August, which we will internally struggle with until Uranus in Taurus squares the sun on 11th August, freeing us from uncertainty. Mars and Neptune retrograde release ambiguity and fears that are holding us back on 11th August, while the full moon in Aquarius and Venus’s entrance into Leo (on the same day) push us towards autonomy and doing what we love with who we care about most.
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