Your Horoscope This Week: December 19th to December 25, 2021

Conceptual illustration of woman representing the Sagittarius astrological sign and a banner that reads "Sagittarius"
It’s the third week of an eternal December and the beginning of Venus’ retrograde station in Capricorn. While the astrological climate might seem foreboding, it’s worth noting that much of the past month has prepared us for what looms ahead–even if that preparation felt difficult to bear. While Venus does her hitch in an intense if not devastating dance with Pluto, Chiron stations direct in Aries, reminding us that while we are subject to our own personal histories, we’re not bound to perpetuate the same harms that have been perpetrated against us. Like a kid that is lectured about the way it's always been done and irreverently says, “SO?,” Chiron pushes forward while Mars flits under the stars of Sagittarius, daring his inexperience to challenge him rather than limit him. Jupiter, meanwhile, continues in the last degrees of Aquarius, well aspected by the Sun in Sagittarius. There’s a sense that the drudgery of the mundane world is only a shade that falls onto its large and luminous mystery — that the more you look for different ways to live into even the most difficult of moments, the more you find them. It’s not a coincidence that the Sun shifts into Capricorn on the solstice, that the sky and our most intimate celestial bodies conspire to hold us in the crease of light and darkness just as we threaten to lose sight of the relationship that one has with the other.

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